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Benefits of Mindfulness for Children blog by Amber Price The Clarity Expert

Benefits of Mindfulness for Kids

May 9th, 2021

Kids intuitively go within and become at peace with their imagination, a trait that becomes more challenging as we age, or as we accept more responsibility. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment, children are naturals at focusing on items or people that they are interested in, encouraging children to continue this practice has so many benefits to their overall mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness.

Kids that practice mindfulness in their daily routine will benefit from the following:

✅ Decrease unwanted stress and anxious feelings

✅ Learn something new with heightened ability to focus

✅ Gain more insight and increases awareness

✅ Less emotional moments and increased ability to achieve a state of calm

✅ The ability to listen to the needs of their body, mind, soul

✅ More balance

✅ Encourages better communication

✅ Promotes the ability to consider positive life choices

✅ Promotes overall wellbeing

Encouraging and teaching kids to lead mindful lifestyles will help them feel more confident, and ultimately more motivated, to successfully achieve their goals, now and in the future. Mindfulness means, we focus on one thing in that moment, to help your child live mindfully, consider giving them one task to complete at a time, or minimize the amount of activities or hobbies they participate in. Having some down time each day is essential to promoting a mindful lifestyle. It is always important to go within, and now more than ever, it is important to stay within! Daily mindfulness does not have to take a long time, mindfulness can be fun and easy, simply find the mindfulness exercise that your child feels the most benefit, explore many types of exercises, and ask your child what works for them, and enjoy the journey!

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Amber Price The Clarity Expert Blog

Amber Price

Clarity Coach, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Educator, Speaker, Conscious Entrepreneur

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